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Startup Founders

Do you want to realise your own startup idea and become a successful entrepreneur?


The Startup Founders Track of the Femme Forward programme teaches you all the skills you need to build your own business. 

In eight weeks, you will learn everything you need to pitch your business idea.

From business model and product development to marketing and financing - we teach you the necessary skills and accompany you with interactive workshops, mentoring sessions and practical exercises. 


At the end of the programme, you will have the chance to pitch your startup idea at an accelerator programme.

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Abstrakte Grafik von 3 Frauen

Femme Forward
Startup Founders programme

Hintergrund Rahmen

The Startup Founders Programme offers you an eight-week online training with a total of 60 training hours. You can expect sessions in various formats, including interactive workshops, practical exercises, mentoring sessions, talks, and networking events.

Business Concepts

Learn how to build and scale a sustainable business model in expert sessions.

Tech Concepts

Learn how to create one in the cloud

Build AI-based prototypes and take your first steps in programming.


Get inspired by tech role models, learn to communicate skillfully, pitch and lead. 


Get the power of the community, get to know tech-loving women and expand your network.

Startup Founders Program
Learn startup skills

Hintergrund Rahmen

You learn in a safe space with other women, meet like-minded people in the community and acquire future skills that will move you and your startup idea forward. You will also get to know startup accelerators who can further develop you and your idea. Participation in our programme is free of charge for you. 


Registration for the Startup Founders programme is now closed.


These are your instructors!

Get to know the modules and instructors of the Femme Forward Startup Founders Track.

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